The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar is a dedicated and close-knit Christian gaming clan in Pax Dei focused on collaboration, progression, and a shared commitment to our core values.
In the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm, the Knights Templar founded Château Pèlerin at an strategic crossing in the Shire region of Merrie. Protectors of travelers and pilgrims, and a bulwark against the forces of the wildlands, the Knights Templar stand watch, ever vigilant against the darkness.
We founded and live in the city of Pèlerin on the US East → Nyx (RP) → Merrie → Shire shard. Head East from the Petra Dei, and check out the map on the page.
Our clan structure is designed to facilitate smooth operations, ensure effective resource management, and foster a sense of community among all members.


Clan Leaders

Hugues de Payens, Grand Master
Krimlon, Grand Chaplain
Liandra, Knight Lieutenant

Guild Leaders

Marsroma, Adventurers’ Guild
Flavia, Smithing Guild
Goodfellow, Artisans’ Guild
Liandra, Culinary Guild
Jandar, Alchemsts’ Guild



Within The Knights Templar clan, there are several Guilds to allow for more seamless coordination and gameplay related to resource management and allocation.
All members are expected to select at least one Guild to contribute to.
Members can select more than one Guild but are encouraged to have one designated as their primary.

Maps and loot tables for dungeons, gathering loops, etc.

We build the best when we build together. Planning and coordination, especially for large scale construction projects.

One of our most unique qualities is that our clan has a chaplaincy. Our Grand Chaplain prepares a weekly message for us, and facilitates a discussion.

Data Resources

Find how much of what resources you need to build anything in the game

Find out where the materials you’re looking for are stored.

Clan Information

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